CCAS offers multiple workshop options that are tailored to fit the needs of elementary, middle
and high school students.
The Center for College Access and Success (CCAS) offers a series of workshops for families to embark on the college access process as early as elementary school.
While families aspire to have their children attend college, they might be unfamiliar with the higher educational system in the U.S. or how they can start this process earlier. CCAS has developed a series of workshops based on the four key phases of college access:supporting, preparing, applying, and enrolling.
CCAS offers a series of workshops based on the four (4) phases of college access: supporting, preparing, applying, and enrolling.

CCAS Workshop Framework
Services take into account the intentionality of the practices, respectful language, and understanding of minoritized communities. CCAS Family Service Teams will ensure materials and program delivery are culturally responsive and relevant as well as interactive and engaging. Service delivery is grounded in the CCAS C.O.D.E. framework and it also reflects the lived experiences of interculturally competent staff and the school communities we serve.
C: Consciousness/Conocimiento - Commitment and prioritization to our communities and families through understanding and respect for the race and ethnicities of the communities we serve as well as traditional and/or diverse non-traditional families (including multi-race, LGBTQ, Undocumented, DACA, and mixed-status families) and living situations (multi-generational, foster, and alternative).
O: Opportunities/Oportunidades - Services are consistent and aligned to the needs, from a strengths-based perspective, of students and their families.
D: Dignity/Dignidad - Intentionality of the practices, respectful language, and understanding of minoritized communities through
(a) Personalization (individualized, small, and/or large group);
(b) Modality (virtual, in-person, and/or hybrid);
(c) Language (English, Spanish, and/or bilingual); and
(d) Convenience (on campus and/or in the community as well as day of the week and time).
E: Equity/Equidad - Consistent trajectory of improvement for retention and graduation, commitment to closing the retention and graduation gaps for minoritized students, and ensuring our practices are equitable.
Each phase offers three workshops to help families
(A) better understand their child’s interest, abilities and talents,
(B) increase their knowledge about postsecondary (certificate programs, colleges, and universities) and
(C) specific content to help their child prepare for postsecondary.
Each grade-level (K-5th, middle school, and high school) has three workshops in each phase of college access for a total of 12 different workshops.
One-on-one or small group sessions are available for each phase of college access for individualized conversation.
Visits to any of Northeastern Illinois University's campuses-Main Campus (North), Carruther’s Center for Inner City Studies (CCICS, Bronzeville) and/or El Centro (Avondale) can be arranged.
Supporting Postsecondary Aspirations
Each child is unique and understanding them is key to supporting their development and their future postsecondary enrollment.
K-5th Grade
Families will learn about personality traits and their importance in identifying abilities within their children. We’ll discuss how personality traits can influence high school, postsecondary, and career selection. We’ll share opportunities families can explore within their communities that encourage their children’s development and interests.
Middle School
Exploring careers, navigating high school fairs/open houses, understanding GPA, and high school options will help families prepare for the transition to high school. Families will gain insight about the different types of high schools, their selectivity, and Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs that are available.
High School
The importance of understanding college options including trade and certificate programs, selectivity, type, and financial considerations is important in supporting the college application process. Beginning with 9th grade, these presentations build upon the children’s interests as they convert their interests, abilities, and talents to possible postsecondary pathways.

Preparing for Postsecondary
Developing the student’s interest profile over time so they can advance their abilities and knowledge, preparing them for their future career.
K-5th Grade
Learning can be fun and found in everyday life. Understanding personality and learning style will help establish study habits, healthy routines, and tools to help prepare children for a lifetime of learning and will be the focus of these workshops.
Middle School
During middle school, families will have to make important decisions about summer programs and high school. These sessions will discuss CTE options, summer programs, and ways to keep children engaged in learning throughout the year.
High School
Selecting a postsecondary option begins with building up your children’s extracurriculars. School clubs, volunteerism, and taking early college classes (dual enrollment and dual credit) can make a big difference in the types of financial awards children receive. Families will explore the different opportunities available to students and their importance in the application process.

Applying to Postsecondary
Recognizing the role of match (academics) and fit (financial, personal, and social needs), and the importance it plays in applying to future colleges and universities.
K-5th Grade
Understanding how children learn, make friends, and in which environments they thrive are indicators of where they’ll be academically, socially, and emotionally successful. Families will identify characteristics of their children's learning styles to guide them into successful environments.
Middle School
As families look forward towards 8th grade graduation, this is also a critical time for deciding which high school children will attend. Workshops will provide tools for researching, considering, applying, and determining a good match and fit high school for their children.
High School
What’s a good match and fit college/university for my children? The focus of these workshops is understanding postsecondary options, understanding the cost of attendance, scholarships, and the application processes in order to select the right postsecondary for your children. Families will also discuss campus visits and their importance in determining the “right fit”.